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Your endurance, hardiness, and physical power. A higher score indicates a more robust and muscular body.

  • Encumbrance: You may carry bulky items up to your strength without being burdened. Up to double your strength is the maximum you can lift and carry. A person counts as a bulky(strength) item when carried.
  • Hits: Heroes start with (5+strength) hits. Hits damage temporarily eliminates them. If you suffer hits damage but have no hits to lose you make a check and are injured if you fail. Every three hits requires an extra level of success to avoid injury, and the difference between your success levels rolled and needed is the number of times you are injured.
  • Lift: Some objects go beyond bulky require a strength check just to pick up or push. Heavier objects have penalties to the check.
  • Endurance. You must make a check against your strength to avoid becoming exhausted after a project, or an encounter that lasts more than one exchange. Strenuous activity incurs a penalty, but a casual activity may grant a bonus to the check. The success level you need is the number of days since your last rest. Climate may force checks or add consequences to a failure.
  • Recover: If you are sick, injured, or have lost hits you roll against your strength score each day when you rest. You recover one hit or condition for each success level.
  • Stagger: If Stagger exceeds your strength you are knocked down.
  • Slam. Unarmed attacks usually use your combat skill against a target within your reach. A success deals your slam effects, and represents a punch, kick, headbutt, tackle, or any other unarmed strike. A slam rolls 2dE and is mighty, adding dice equal to your strength. Blue results deal hits, and red results deal more grit.
Attack Tier Keywords Dice Blue/Red
Slam Mighty (+dE = strength control) 2dE Hits / Grit

Related Abilities

  • Bash: You add +1dE to all physical attacks.
  • Carry: You can carry bulky items up to double your stamina without penalty, or up to triple by becoming burdened. You gain a bonus on endurance checks for walking.
  • Endure: You gain a bonus on checks against diseases, intoxicants, or toxins, and climate.
  • Grapple: Use an Action to grab an opponent within Reach. A Good roll Locks the target. A Lock requires two hands and Effort each Turn to maintain. Alternatively, Grapple may be used to break free of a Lock with a Good roll.
  • Tough: You take 1 fewer grit from any attack and gain a bonus on hits checks.

See Also

Version 2.5.2
©2014 Frameworks Games

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