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An investigation revolves around one more mysteries, composed of clues and are resolved when you attempt a proof using clues you’ve acquired. Rumors, desperate denizens, and finding a clue might all lead into a mystery.


You may search for clues in any location. Clues are objects related to a mystery, and are treated like any other asset. There is no check to find clues, you simply find them if you look.

If a clue isn’t accessible the referee instead notes that clues are present in the location, but you don’t acquire them. A sense check might spot potential hiding spots, and calling out specific places you search is an easy way to generate a style bonus (see Modifiers, page xxx). Example clues include journals, weapons used in crimes, or items of clothing with evidence on them.


Once you possess a clue you immediately inspect it. Check against sense. If the check succeeds you gain a pointer from the clue. If the check fails you are blocked from trying again until you find another clue. Once you find another clue you may reexamine any clue you already have.

A clue may have more than one pointer, and each success level shows another pointer, or definitely states that no more pointers exist. Pointers are small statements linked to the clue, and tag a person, object, or another location.


Just figuring out the solution to a mystery isn’t enough, you have to prove it. Realizing the solution may help you focus your search for valid clues, but you don’t get the reward until the proof is complete.

During a proof you must present a minimum number of correct pointers to the appropriate people. The appropriate people vary wildly based on the situation, and could be a law enforcement officials, the victim, the perpetrator, or a group including all of the above.

You pick from the pointers on clues you’ve found. You can pick multiple pointers from the same clue. Each mystery has a list of acceptable pointers (usually 5), and a minimum number of those pointers you need to offer proof (usually 3).

If you offer any pointers that aren’t acceptable the proof fails, and failure has consequences just like a check; the wrong person may be convicted, a romance tragedy could trigger, or the perpetrator escapes.

Rewards for a successful proof vary, but include goals, assets, or even new clues to deeper mysteries.


A cue is similar to a clue, but isn’t a physical piece of evidence you can pick up. Cues have one pointer, which may not be used in a proof but can point to clues or help distinguish which pointers are acceptable for proofs.

Example cues include tracks in the area, overheard conversations, and subtle changes in a location.


Not every clue is legitimate. You can use a project and roll subterfuge to create a clue. You set a pointer of your choice for each success level, plus one pointer back to you. Even without such misdirections a clue may have multiple pointers that aren’t acceptable for a proof. A complex investigation may even have a single clue with pointers to different mysteries!

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Special Investigations

  • Conspiracy. The reward for solving a mystery may be a clue to a deeper mystery. Conspiracies are usually made up entirely of such clues, so you have to successfully prove multiple mysteries to even have a chance at solving the conspiracy underneath. Finding an appropriate judge may present a challenge.
  • Puzzle. The clues are all information about the solution of the puzzle, and using the correct pointers in the correct order will solve it. Puzzles will often have time limits, and may even occur during the rounds of an encounter.
  • Trial. A mixture of investigation and a dispute. Each valid pointer counts as another person on your side, but each invalid pointer exposed incurs a penalty on all checks to argue the case.

See Also

Version 2.5.2
©2014 Frameworks Games

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