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Scholarship checks test the depth of your education. Mathematics, history, philosophy and calligraphy are all subjects covered by classical scholarship, and advanced students may learn alchemy, chemistry, and even magic. Being able to write and interpret poetry is a key skill for scholarship. This is a prestigious skill, and many public office posts require passing tests based on scholarship.

  • Inspect: Once you find a cue or possess a clue you make a check against your scholarship score. If you succeed you learn one pointer, but if you fail you get a penalty on all further checks to that clue. Finding a new clue allows you to re-check against any other clues you have.
  • Knowledge: Any knowledge that you have as a player your character also has (or at least instincts that amount to the same thing). However your character may also know something that you don't. A successful scholarship check gains the most current background information, related legends, or even game statistics known. Note that this knowledge is second-hand and may not be correct. Obscure subjects incur a penalty to this check. Whether you succeed or fail you may not check on the same topic again without research.
  • Learn: When you need to internalize an asset (such as a language, ritual, or spell) make a scholarship check during your respite in place of all other effects. If you succeed you learn it, and the asset can only be lost if your memory is altered.
  • Research: It requires a project to attempt research, and a location with the library keyword. The information the referee provides on a successful check is limited to what is available from your source. If the source has nothing relevant a successful check reveals that, plus a cue to where you might find the information you're looking for. If you fail your margin is the number of days or helpers you'll need to get the effects of a success.
  • Treat: You can use a project to cooperate with a resting and injured individual's strength check to recover.
  • Understand: When you encounter cryptic texts or unknown languages you may check against your scholarship score to decipher meaning. The time required varies based on just how information you are trying to understand. Your failure margin is the number of clues, cues, or sources you need to discover before you can unlock the information.

Associated Abilities

  • Cast: You may use spells, and you gain the Empowered Magic stunt. You can spend 1 focus to do a project in 1 action or affect something you can see as if you could touch it.
  • Deduce: You gain a bonus on sense checks against clues and cues. When you inspect you get all the pointers, plus the location of the nearest clue or cue from the same mystery.
  • Heal: You may use an action and check scholarship for an ally within reach. If you succeed you remove one bleeding and restore grit up to the success margin. When you treat others you restore hits equal to your success margin (spread between allies as you see fit).
  • Interpret: You gain a bonus on attempts to learn or understand new languages, and you start with 3 extra tier 0 language assets.
  • Recall: You gain a bonus on any knowledge or research check.

See Also

Ability Cost

Score Save Points Label Description
1 (1) 0 Amateur You dabble, or try to get by on luck.
2 (1) 1 Proficient You are trained and competent.
3 (2) 2 Expert You are talented or extensively trained.
4 (2) 3 Master You are an accomplished expert.
5 (3) 4 Genius You have a rare and extraordinary gift.
6 (3) 5 Paragon You are the greatest of all time.

Version 2.5.2
©2014 Frameworks Games

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