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Your expertise with word play, diplomacy, and trading.

  • Appraise. You may discover the value of an item. You ask for this usage, and the referee rolls the check in secret. Whether you succeed or fail you gain the base currency value and properties of the item. If you succeed, you learn of any mods or flaws the item possesses.
  • Buy. During the game, buying items requires a check against your negotiate skill score. A success allows you to purchase a reasonable item, plus inexpensive items equal to your success margin. On a failure you only gain one item, and it has a random flaw. If you attempt to by an expensive item you must become strapped or lose the prosperous state to make the attempt.
  • Convince. You attempt to change a target's opinion during a dispute. Your target must have either no sway or no grit. If you succeed the target switches to your intent and treats you as proven for the remainder of the dispute.
  • Monitor. You may use a project and a successful check to learn rumors in an urban region.
  • Quip. You gain a single additional retort defense. You have that defense available until you use it, or until your next prelude.
  • Retort. A special insight against social attacks. A retort requires a guard but cooperates with all other targets of the attack.
  • Sell. You may sell items as a project. This is rolled as a Complication. The base target is 10, and you must have at least 10 Reasonable items to make the attempt. Each time you check, you lose items equal to your success margin or failure margin. If you reach the target, you either eliminate strapped or gain prosperous. The consequence for failing is losing items without gaining anything towards the target, essentially selling them without profit. If you run out of items the project ends. If you are selling an expensive item, you roll a single check and you eliminate Strapped or become Prosperous if you succeed. If you fail you do not sell the item and discover a new flaw in it.

Unlock Abilities

A high score in Negotiate is required for some abilities:

See Also

Skill Cost


Version 2.5.0
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!