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You are an expert with aircraft. Normally any vehicle requires an action to control movement, and any operate check suffers a penalty based on your current speed. When an aircraft is down it must check or fall, and the operate check suffers a penalty (-2) for being down.

Template:Pilot1 Template:Pilot2 Template:Pilot3

Default Mastery Options

    • Blind Spot: Use an action and pick a target vehicle. You make a machinery check with the usual size difference modifiers, and the target may try to dodge. If you win then no weapon or opponent on the target vehicle may attack you until your next turn.
    • Crash Lander: When your skycraft is disabled or destroyed, instead of falling you may roll a complication against machinery (with a penalty) to land the wreckage. The target for the contest is your maximum speed, and the failure consequence is hits to you, the vehicle, and everyone aboard.
    • Flying Ace: You may use dodge defenses for your skycraft and you ignore the penalty for being down.
    • Trick Flyer: You may use an action draw 2 reflex cards and then discard 2 while you are flying a skycraft, and you ignore your skycraft's maximum machinery.

Other Mastery Options

Template:Trim Virtuoso

See Also

Version 2.5.0
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!