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Your diplomacy and trade expertise. Controlled by heart.

  • Buy. During the game, buying items requires a check against your negotiate skill score. A success allows you to purchase a reasonable item without becoming strapped. If you attempt to by an expensive item you must become strapped (or lose prosperous) to try the check. If the check succeeds you purchase the item without issue. If it fails you still gain the item, but it has a random flaw.
  • Convince. During a dispute you may target either the neutral audience, or any personality with no grit. If you succeed against neutral audience then individuals equal to your success margin join your intent. A targeted personality will automatically attempt an insight defense to contest your success margin. If you win the target will join your intent, otherwise the personality will remain neutral.
  • Monitor. You may use a project and a successful check to learn rumors in populated regions.
  • Retort. A special insight against social attacks. A retort requires a guard but cooperates with all other targets of the attack.
  • Sell. You may use a negotiate project to sell items as a complication with a target of 5. Your success margin is the number of reasonable items you sell. A failure margin is the number of reasonable items you sell without making progress to the target. Every 5 success margin gives you one profit asset. If you end up with failure margin in excess of the items you can sell, you lose a profit or become strapped. An expensive item may be sold with a single negotiate check. If the check succeeds you gain 2 profit, if it fails you gain only 1.

Unlock Abilities

A high score in Negotiate is required for some abilities:

See Also

Skill Cost


Version 2.5.1
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!