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You move well in water. Normally if you are in a water area you have cover, you suffer a penalty (-2) on any attempt to dodge, and you start to drown if you gain interference.

Template:Swim1 Template:Swim2 Template:Swim3

Default Mastery Options

    • Breath Control: When you would drown you suffer 1 grit instead. If you are out of grit you begin to drown normally.
    • High Diver: When you fall and land in water and suffer no effects.

Template:Water Launch

    • Water Shark: You gain +1 swim speed and ignore the penalty for charging in water.

Other Mastery Options

    • Grass Gliding: Your entire run move counts as jump speed, but you must move along any surface, including surfaces that wouldn't normally support your weight.

See Also

Version 2.5.0
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!