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You can throw weapons with deadly accuracy. Normally you use an action and make a close range attack. Subtract the bulky rating of an object from the distance you can throw it. If the object has the balanced keyword you may throw it short range instead of close. A thrown weapon deals its normal effects, or your slam if you are throwing a generic small object.

  • Hurl: You gain a bonus when throwing a weapon or item, and may equip the weapon as part of your throw action.

  • Default Evolutions
    • Debris Finder: You may always use a snap to find and pick up a light balanced object to throw and deal your slam.
    • Deft Catcher: You may parry thrown items from any range. If you win you may also equip the item.
    • Erratic Trajectory: The target of your thrown attack suffers an extra penalty on the defense and you add +1dE to balanced attacks.

  • Special Evolutions
    • Thrown Barrage: You may equip up to three balanced weapons in one hand with a snap, and either throw one at a time or throw them all as a burst 3 attack.

See Also

Version 2.5.1
©2014 Frameworks Games

This is outdated content. Update Needed!