Template:Example Outdoor Chase

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Example Outdoor Chase
The stages below are an example of a possible chase track through a wilderness location. There are two main routes. Over the rocky cliff and the waterfall can be very dangerous both to pursuers and the pursued. The route through the woods is safer and allows sneaking to come into play.

  • Stage 1: Open ground. Target 12, uses agility and run speed, failure margin also deals agony from getting tired. Exits to either Up into the rocks or Into the trees.
  • Stage 2: Up into the rocks. Target 12, uses agility and climb speed, bonus (+2) if you have the Climb ability, failure margin also deals agony and trauma from falls. Interference eliminates all success total and moves you to Open ground. Exits to either Open ground or Over the waterfall.
  • Stage 3: Into the trees. Target 12, uses agility or subterfuge and run speed, bonus (+2) if you have the Hide ability. Exits to either Open ground or River crossing.
  • Stage 4: Over the waterfall. Target 12, uses agility and swim speed, bonus (+2) if you have the Swim ability, failure margin deals agony and trauma from falls. Interference eliminates all success total and moves you to Far shore. Exits to either Far shore or Up into the rocks.
  • Stage 5: River crossing. Target 12, uses agility and either run or swim speed, bonus if you have the Swim ability, failure margin also deals agony from getting tired or drowning. Exits to either Far shore or Into the trees.
  • Stage 6: Far shore. Target 12, uses agility or subterfuge and run speed, bonus (+2) if you have the Hide ability. Exits to either River crossing or automatic escape from the chase.