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Vehicles are transport assets, complex enough to have statistics of their own. Vehicles have a tier just like other assets.

  • Armor: The vehicle's armor value against all attacks. Protected crew also gain this armor if attacked directly.
  • Cargo: The of areas usable for storage or temporary passengers.
  • Collision: The number of base effect dice a vehicle deals to itself and the target when it hits something. Blue and red both deal hits.
  • Performance: The number of bonus (+) or penalty (-) dice you roll when steering the vehicle.
  • Size: The vehicle's size category, and also the number of effects needed to generate one result.
  • Speed. The maximum set speed for the vehicle, and the type of movement. The number is parenthesis is the Delta, the amount you can change your speed by each turn.


Vehicles have different systems that require crew to fill. If a position isn't filled, you don't get the benefit. Any tracking normally done by position that is empty falls to the commander, which defaults to the highest ranking character aboard if nobody intentionally fills the role. If there is no one to fill the helm position the vehicle does not change its speed or facing, and fumbles any steer check. Every other position is optional. A position will have either a Filldot.gif in front of it if it is protected by the vehicle's armor, or 1dot.gif if it is exposed.

  • Commander: Fill or cooperate with any one other position.
  • Helm: Roll all steer checks for the vehicle, control its movement on the map, and fire any weapons tied to the helm (as a charge).
  • Engineer: You track damage, distribute any energy to systems, and roll to repair or destroy components.
  • Gunner: Make attack checks and track reloading for the weapons tied to your position. You still take the charge penalty if the vehicle is moving.
  • Lookout: You gain a bonus on perception checks from this position.
  • Dispatcher: All communication goes through you. You may persuade or retort for the vehicle.
  • Drudge: Your strength propels the vehicle. Each fully crewed station grants 2 speed, each partial grants 1 speed. Crew can be pushed for +1 speed, but must make an endurance check.
  • Deck: You may fight fires, lock an adjacent vehicle (see boarding), or board.
  • Rigger: Each fully crewed station grants Delta 2, each partial grants Delta 1.
  • Passenger: You may rest while the vehicle travels.


A vehicle's helm tracks its set speed, which is the vehicle's speed the previous turn. If the helm doesn't control the vehicle's movement then travels its set speed towards the nearest target with interference. If noone has interference, or they are already on board, it moves straight ahead. There are various equipment keywords that alter the way a vehicle's movement works. Before moving the helm may change the vehicle's set speed up or down as much as the vehicle's Delta. Whatever the new set speed is, the vehicle must move that many areas. If it can't it crashes, suffering its own collision damage and dropping its set speed down to zero. Template:Hulking

  • Ponderous: You may only move forward into a zone in front of your flank, and you must face into the zone you moved.
  • Rigged: You suffer a penalty offset by the Sail ability. Your speed is based on wind strength, up to your set speed. On low wind roll 5dE, on a high roll 10dE. You get 1 actual speed on each red result, and another on blue results if the wind is coming from behind your flank. You only re-roll wind if you change direction or as a new exchange starts. Interference also forces you to re-roll.
  • Skycraft: You have a Fly speed, and may move upward at a cost of 1 speed per area. If there is a rating you must move that number of areas each round or you are down and falling.


If you are in the helm position you may use your guard to dive for the vehicle. You check against machinery, and the vehicle's Performance applies. One difference from a normal dodge is that your success margin may not be larger than the vehicle's set speed. You suffer the charge penalty on any attack from a moving vehicle, and you count the size difference from your vehicle if you are using its weapons. Vehicle weapons have emplacement keywords that restrict what directions they can target.

  • Fixed: You may attack directly ahead, or on a target that line crosses during your move. The helm may use this attack.
  • Broadside: You may attack directly along your flank line, or on a target that line crosses during your move. Broadside weapons always come in pairs, one for each side.
  • Swivel: You may attack a target directly ahead out to one side of your flank. Always comes in pairs, and a target directly ahead may be attacked by both swivels.
  • Tailgun: You may attack any target behind your flank line.


When a vehicle has no hits left (or if it had none to start with), each time hits damage equals its Size roll an effect die just like when an item is damaged. Each blue damages a component (just like being injured), and each red knocks a component out. If a damaged component is damaged again, its out. If an out component is damaged it is destroyed. A vehicle's final (and sometimes only) component is its hull. A damaged hull forces the penalty on any check involving the vehicle, and if the hull is knocked out the vehicle immediately falls or crashes. A crash deals collision damage, and if the hull is destroyed all crew take the collision damage unprotected. If the hull survives the crew are protected normally. A crew member (chosen by the commander) suffers all the grit from an attack. A protected Filldot.gif position divides grit by the vehicle's size as usual, but an unprotected 1dot.gif position suffers the full amount. If a crew member is taken out roll an effect die, and each red result applies the same grit to another crew member.


While two vehicles overlap crew may move from one to the other with an action and an agility check. On a success you move to the deck of the other vehicle, and on a fail you end on the deck of your own. Deck crew may throw grapple lines, a machinery check that locks the two vehicles together. Deck crew may also remove grapple lines with a check, or deal damage to a line to disable or destroy it. Moving along a grapple line grants a bonus to the agility check to cross.


If a vehicle moves into occupied areas then all targets in those areas may be hit. This counts as a charge attack, so you suffer a penalty on all checks. You may choose a specific target to attack with a steer] check. Anyone you don't target may dive to avoid the collision. Anyone you target may still dive, but must win the contest against your attack. Vehicles have a collision attack instead of a slam, and their collision statistic is how many base dice they roll. Note that both the vehicle and any targets suffer the damage, and if the target has a Collision stat itself then use the larger. Collision damage has the Velocity keyword. If two vehicles are traveling the same direction, subtract the higher speed from the lower for velocity, if opposite then add both speeds together. In any other circumstance use the higher speed.

  • Velocity: Add current speed as +dE. Stagger reduces your current speed.
Attack Tier Keywords Dice Blue/Red
Collision na Velocity stat Hits / Hits

See Also

Version 2.5.1
©2014 Frameworks Games

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