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Your strength attribute indicates your physique, endurance, and the overall development of your body.


Stamina is your innate resistance to force and trauma, and is equal to your strength control. When you suffer grief from a single attack that exceeds your stamina you must make a successful check against your strength score or fall down. When you suffer damage from a single attack that exceeds your stamina you are bleeding.


Main article: Destruction

When you suffer damage that isn't absorbed your your own hits (see Hits below) you must roll a destruction check against your strength score. If the check fails, you'll gain a Destruction marker. If the attack deals more than one damage, your success margin must beat the number of extra damage to avoid the marker. Every 10 damage automatically causes a marker, and then you check for any remaining damage normally.

Example: Pounded Pete has a strength score of 12, and 12 Hits. He is struck by 15 damage. First, his 12 hits are eliminated, leaving 3 damage to him. He must make a destruction check with a target of 12, but he needs a success margin of 2 or more. Pete rolls a 10 and barely succeeds. Pete is hit again for another 15 damage. With no hits left to absorb any of the damage, he suffers it all. The first 10 automatically cause a Destruction marker. That leaves 5 damage left, so Pete is rolling against his usual 12- target, but he needs a success margin of 4 or higher to avoid a second Destruction marker.


Main article: Encumbrance

Every item of equipment that can be carried lists a encumbrance value, also called Enc. Enc represents the weight and bulk of an item. You may carry Enc up to your strength score. Enc more than half your score (rounding down) makes you Burdened, and you suffer a Penalty (-2) to all checks. You can lift or shift an object weighing Enc up to twice your strength score with a successful check. The maximum range you may throw an object is equal to your strength minus the object's Enc. If the object has the balanced keyword you gain a Bonus (+2) to your strength for determining range.


Main article: Endurance

You may become exhausted after enough projects without rest. After a project, you must make an endurance check against your strength score. If the check fails you become exhausted. A strenuous project adds a Penalty (-2) to the check. Combat or hustling while you journey are automatically considered strenuous. If it has been more than one project since you last rested, your success margin must beat the number of extra projects. If you are already exhausted and would become exhausted again for any reason you suffer 1 grief instead. Climate may force additional endurance checks, add a Penalty, or even states if a check fails.

Dan the Danger Ranger is on the move, and uses a project to cut across dangerous territory. He isn't hustling, and this is his first project for the day, so he is checking against his strength score of 13. He rolls an 11, so he is not exhausted. With time running out, Dan decides to move again, and hustles this time. Now his check is penalized for the strenuous activity for a target of 11, and since he's done an extra project without resting he needs to succeed by 1 or more. He rolls a 10, and barely succeeds. Still not there, Dan hustles one more time. The target is still 11, but now its been 2 extra projects since he's rested, so he needs a success margin of 2 or more. He rolls a 10 again, and this time Dan is exhausted.


Main article: Hits

You have Hits equal to your strength score. Every damage result you take eliminates one of your hits. Excess damage causes a destruction check.

Condition -2 Out
Hits (Armor 0) 10dots.gif 1dot.gif 1dot.gif 1dot.gif


Main article: Melee

Melee attacks use the Fight skill against a target within your reach. A weapons will list it's effects. If you are attacking without a weapon you use your slam effect, regardless of whether your are punching, kicking, headbutting, tackling, or so on. A slam rolls effect dice equal to your strength control. Green results deal grief, blue results deal damage, and red results deal stagger.

Attack Tier Keywords Dice Blue/Red
Slam Mighty (+dE = strength control) 2dE Hits / Grit

Strength Skills

Main article: Skill

Your strength control is used to determine the default score for all your strength skills: Fight, Move, and Explore. The starting score for each is 5 plus your control. You may spend points to increase specific skills. If your control improves, all strength skill scores likewise increase. Modifiers for strength count towards all strength skills as well.

Skill Description
Fight Melee attacks and defenses.
Move Running, jumping, and tumbling.
Explore Climbing, navigating, and surviving.

Attribute Point Cost

Score Points Control Base Skill
6 -8 1 6-
7 -6 1 6-
8 -4 1 6-
9 -1 2 7-
10 0 2 7-
11 1 2 7-
12 4 3 8-
13 6 3 8-
14 8 3 8-
15 12 4 9-
16 15 4 9-
17 18 4 9-
18 23 5 10-

See Also

Version 2.5.0
©2014 Frameworks Games

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